What I Do

I help students with a disability, to receive specialist assistive technology and support that will help them reach their full potential whilst attending College/University.  

During a face to face meeting with the student, a friendly discussion is held to discuss the barriers that the student faces regarding their access to education.

A needs assessment report is then compiled which is then used as a recommendation guide by the funding body, who will determine which specialist equipment and support they can provide funding for to support the student in their studies.

My Philosophy

My approach is to encourage and support those who are wanting to continue their education by making them feel comfortable about adopting the use of assistive technology and not feeling stigmatised by it.  Through the encouragement, it is hoped that they feel empowered to enter higher education and learn and have the best experience they are entitle to. 

My Methods

The easiest way to help someone is to simply listen. My methods involve a face to face discussion with the student and have a relaxed conversation about how they feel, what they find is a barrier to their studies and what they would like if possible to assist them. Having digested what they have said, I am then able to offer realistic and pragmatic solutions. 

My Goals

My goal is to provide a very relaxed, supportive, understanding and encouraging environment  for the student. I want them to feel comfortable in my presence and open up about their needs so that I am able to offer the best advice regarding assistive technology and support that can be offered to them.  Hopefully,  they experience their lightbulb moment and think “oh wow, I can not believe this technology exists and does what it does and that I can have access to it for my studies” moment. 

Needs Assessments

Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) needs assessments carried out in the North of England for students in higher education.

The assessment includes an informal discussion to highlight difficulties that the student experiences related to studying and getting around the University.

This is followed by software and equipment demonstrations and a written report to highlight recommendations that may support the student to access higher education with reduced barriers.

AT Training

Assistive Technology Training is a key service offering. Working either in person or via video chat. Feel comfortable learning at your own pace.

Various Assistive Technology Training is available and includes the following:



Text Help Read and Write

Sonocent Audio Note Taker

Global Auto Correct


All assessments and Assistive Technology are taken very seriously and are confidential.

Your information is only shared with the relevant parties that require to see your Needs Assessments Report.

If you are concerned about privacy and confidentiality,  then please get in touch to discuss this.

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